Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Progress Update

Throughout the past few weeks, we have been doing additional research and also we have started the construction of the diagnostic test for ADHD. ADHD is one of the most complex disorders, and as a result is lacking a proper diagnostic test. As a result of the complexity of the disorder, we have been struggling with the content of the test as there is such a wide range of skills and parts of the brain affected by ADHD. The hardest part about creating this test is that if we forget to include one aspect of the brain affected by ADHD or a skill that is a marker for those that have ADHD, it no longer becomes a diagnostic test. This is why the extensive research we have been doing is extremely necessary.

However, although researching for ADHD has been very time consuming, our next steps include more research but also continuing to work on the designing of our project. Throughout the entire process, we will probably never find ourselves satisfied with the research we have done and move on from research because of the bulk of the disorder being unknown. The research will only make our diagnostic test more accurate.

It has been already a couple of weeks since we have started this project we are very passionate, making a proper diagnostic test for ADHD, and we have been making progress. We are well on our way towards changing the system one blog post at a time.

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