Friday, April 21, 2017

ADHD: A problem that needs addressing

Throughout our research on how to test ADHD, we found that people with the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder had more grey matter in their brains as well as unstable of dopamine. Children with severe ADHD had smaller frontal lobes, or the part of the brain that makes decisions. Being a biological trait passed down from your parents, if anyone in your immediate family has ADHD and you as a child show symptoms, you would be diagnosed with Attention Hyperactivity Deficit Disorder. While judging a child by their personality, sometimes improper diagnosis occurs and children who do not have ADHD are often medicated. ADHD needs awareness as it is a disorder that is often pushed to the side because of the lack of sufficient tests leading to many misdiagnosis's. Our project has been going fairly well as we are still in the process of making the diagnostic test. We can confidently say that we are on our way to changing the system one blog post at a time.